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Joanna Louise Kelly

My exploration into collaborations and creative direction concludes with an identity for a future aspiration of creating myself as a brand. My website serves as a significant part of this, allowing me to present all my work online for companies and brands to view at their leisure. This project has played a huge part in what I see as a potential future career for myself, allowing me to gain important contacts for future collaborations. Included in my work are photography, styling, and art direction all of which I excel in, as well as this I have produced business cards with signature branding and styled photographs in the hope that this will make my brand instantly recognisable to the viewer.
In regards to my collaborations, my first client Georgia Jazz was a pleasure to work with, her collection is both distinctive and unique and I feel the photographs produced reflect that.
The Lamberts Yard x Katie Gillies project was incredible to shoot, the location was airy, with exposed beams and brick walls, and the location, dancers, and Katie’s designs combined to make the photographs inimitable.
Blue Rinse has always had a particular brand identity, the vintage clothing pushes individuality. Throughout working with them I enjoyed how freely I could put an outfit together with little or no limitations. The photographs were taken around the city of Leeds, I felt this location fitted best with the brand.


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