Client Two

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Zine Design

Below would be my front cover for the Katie Gillies / Lamberts Yard zine, I wasn't sure on how to display the text and what would look the most effective.

For the contributors page, I have involved the dancers and the designers used in the zine as well as me and the owner of Lamberts Yard as he was kind enough to allow me to use his space. At the moment I have put 'Tom Radcliff' however I will find out the designers real name this Friday.

I like the design of this page, I will be keeping the box theme throughout the entire zine. 

This page is for Bethany-Jayne Dolton, I will place a Q and A to the right of the second image.

This page is for Liam Heaver, I have placed a Q and A to the right of the image. 

Double page

Above is my first design for this double page spread, however I tried it with the box design and I think it looks more effective.

Double page spread

Here will be a questionnaire with the fabric designer, Katie Gillies.

Double page spread, moving onto Lamberts Yard clothing. 

Double page of Liam wearing Lamberts Yard clothing, I am unsure if to add a Q and A on the right page. 

Double page spread

I am unsure if to put a Q and A on the right page of this double page.

Double page

For the back page I am unsure if to have a full photo page or have only text.



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