Client two

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This video is a big inspiration for me towards the dance I will produce for my collaboration with client two, Katie. The dance has been choreographed to fit with the beat of the music, this is what I want to bring to my dance as it will be linked to movement as well as the way the dancer tells a story with her movements. The location of this video fits well with the theme of the song and makes the video unusual as you wouldn't usually dance in a bedroom and kitchen. Overall the lighting, song, dancer and location fit together perfectly. I especially like the camera angles as it makes the video more interesting to watch with disjointed clips.

For me this video evokes emotion, it leaves you wondering what the dancers are acting as, apes? lions? werewolves? It shows a bond between them which grows stronger throughout the video. As for the location, the cage is unique and stands out against the plain walls and floor, linking well with the song and the movements of the dancers. I want to bring some of the elements of this video to my dance, I would like the viewer to gain emotion when watching the film and the movements I create with the fabric to look effective on screen as well as linking with the music.



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